Sunday, March 14, 2010

Egg art

I saw this pretty egg on line and Lori of My Faerie Window made me one in pink of course! It is like a tiny jewel box! I set the Easter baskets out early and put some things in them right away. The rest the Easter Bunny must provide.

The girls love all the holidays (they get that from me) and Sydney-Marie and Charlotte Moss are still hoping for a real white bunny. In the meantime we must enjoy the pretty treasures we have. Sydney likes to dress up as a bunny for Easter I have to find her "ears" don't know where I put them. I collect bunny things so Easter is always full of bunnies new and old.

Have a PINK day!

1 comment:

  1. Marie, your picture of the egg looks so pretty!!! i am glad that you like it:) i hope your bunny arrived safely!!!
