Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year-Bonne Annee

Paris is more than a possibility for 2010- pastries are on the yes list-no more talk about weight-staying in the pink is a more worthy goal-make life even "pinker" with a rosy outlook all the time.

Peonies are planted for 2010 their roots are slumbering in the earth gathering strength as we dream of their beauty in 2010.

Kindness is the biggest goal to focus on as well as creativity. More music (with the help of my new I Pod --pink--bien sur (of course) and more friendships and more laughter.

Toasting in 2010 with my favorite French champagne and creating more occasions to open another bottle of the pink bubbly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marie~

    I just adore peonies! I think they're absolutely gorgeous....just as stunning if not more so than roses.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your poor Sophie~Marie and her health problems. It's good to hear she's on the mend!
    You've got a lovely blog!

    Your friend,
