Sunday, December 30, 2018

Swans rule this year

Pink Boy bought me a swan fascinator to wear in the Easter Parade! He also gave me the Too Faced Dream Queen set which features swans!! Other friends gave me swan ornaments and I had purchased a few new swans for around the tree --the big swan tree.
The swan tree has been the main tree since 1988 or so when I purchased after Christmas on sale 25 Kurt Adler swan ornaments I still use them every year and have added many more swan and ballet and Paris themed ornaments to the large tree.
Have a Pink day!

Swan Pinkmas

Merry Pinkmas!
This was the year of the swan--swan presents, swans around the swan tree, a  new crepe paper swan figure that will stay up all the time. 

Hope you had a fun holiday
Have a Pink day!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Pinkmas and peonies and swans and...

Fresh pink peonies from Whole Foods  what a luxury in December! 
My big swan tree has some peonies tucked in it-- but they aren't real.
Hope the peonies last till tomorrow night for our Pinkmas Eve dinner with friends!
Have a PINK day!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Pinkmas 2018

Pinkmas seems to become pinker and more swan related every year. And this seems to be the year of swans in terms of finding some to use for decor.

 I  had the huge lifesize crepe paper swan made in California just to oversee the big tree that has many swan ornaments and swans around it.
Hard to find the swans in USA big in UK and some of them are from the UK. One swan is facing out the window on the back side of the tree.

I love Pinkmas and want it to be as pink and pretty and elegant as it can be.
Have a PINK day!