Saturday, August 29, 2015

18th Century Pink !!

Maybe one reason I love 18th Century France so much is there was sooo much pink all around,m Furnishings, fabrics, feathers, decorative objects. 
Have a Pink day!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Antique scent vials and necklace

I've been searching for vintage scent vials and when I find one I really like that isn't too expensive I will get it and turn it into a necklace like the ones made by Karen Sugarman ( she sells on Etsy, 1st Dibbs, and Neiman Marcus) I find them very intriguing and lovely little objects of times past. 
They were carried as part of a chatelaine or on a thumb ring.
They can't be too large or they would get in the way as a necklace. 
The two matching bottles are vintage perfume bottles I bought on Ebay. They are on their way they aren't suitable for a necklace I will enjoy them on my vanity. 
Have a Pink day!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Paris by Laduree

Laduree is my happy place. 
I think that I love it so much because it is serene and pretty and always new things and the desserts are so inventive and traditional yet sometimes they surprise you with a new twist or a totally new dessert. .
Laduree has a brand new book out. I wish I could go to Paris this year but it is not in the plan. Dental work and new jobs keeping Pink Boy and myself close to home.
So maybe next year we can venture to Paris again and I will be able to buy the new book. It looks so interesting like an insider's guide to the city.
Have a Pink day!