Friday, August 31, 2012

Pink Saturday Ballet dreams

Happy Pink Saturday!
Join Beverly at:
A look back at some old Sadler Wells ballet troupe programs. Sadler Wells was a British dance troupe. I had the pleasure of seeing Sadler Wells Sleeping Beauty production in Clearwater, Fl in the mid 1980's it was stunning. Sadly Sadler Wells is no longer. these programs came from EBay and are very old. I love to look thru them see old ads and some of the fashions are quite up to date still.
Have a Pink day!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Laduree for me!!

I adore Laduree  I adore everything about  it-- the pretty shop, the logo, the pastries, the food, the ribbons, the carriage vendor cart in the airport in Paris, the totes and the gift items.
Since I did not get to go to Paris this year I wanted to bring some Laduree to me!! Greedy Pink Girl!
Japan has several Laduree shops now and they often get things before other countries or different things. I bought these two Laduree scarfs and the little makeup tote from Japan. Things arrive quickly from Japan to US addresses. The swan scarf was  irresistible to me since I love swans so much and swans also remind me of ballet which I also love.
So until I can go to Laduree I had it come to me!
Joining in on Show and Tell Friday at:
Have a Pink day! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No place like home--if it is white

 I am on a self-imposed plan to lighten up! No not my mood --my home. I want to repaint and use pale pale pink and whites and generally lighten the rooms . Maybe slipcover some sofas that are in taupe with a white washable slipcover but choosing a  fabric that is a bit formal too.
The above rooms all caught my eye-- I keep showing the photos to Pink Boy hoping he will jump on board my lighten up train. Even our birdhouse in the garden is white and has white clematis blooming around it. The birds are on board!!
I will keep you updated and show before and after photos if I ever get to redo the living room and hallways.I am obsessed with white! I love white furniture, white animals, white food (mainly white desserts) white flowers and white table linens
Join in with Faded Charm for more white posts:
Have a Pink day!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Shameless promotion and Marie Antoinette

If Marie Antoinette were alive today she would be wrapping her gifts and sending cards from Paper Nosh. My blogger pal Paulette has the most creative, classy and " Oh so Marie!" store on Etsy. Here is the link:
Since I love to pretend I live in 18th century France these wrapping papers fit right into my fantasy life. 
Last Christmas (Pinkmas at my house) I had Paulette make me some MA monogrammed gift wrap.It was so pretty. Now she has come out with  new wrap and tags and pretty invitations too --all Marie related and so elegant. My very pink holiday season will be even prettier using the new wrap and tags on my gifts. I love everything Paulette creates!! I just had to do a post about these new products. I can't wait to wrap gifts this year! Order early she is one busy lady
Enjoy Pink Saturday:
Have a Pink day!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A very pink dinner party

It is Tablescape Thursday again at Between Naps on the Porch
I am thrilled to join in .
Here is the link
Also joining in on Show and Tell Friday
This is my new china that is an old Minton pattern called Cockatrice. I have wanted to have it for years and have over the years collected a few pieces here and there. First time I saw it was in one of Carolyn Roehm's entertaining books in green I researched and found out it was Minton and then the quest began for the pink. The pink in good condition is hard to come by.
I just had a birthday and around my birthday I noticed a big set of it for sale on Ebay. I told my husband and he bid and got the big set. The set came from an estate in San Diego and the seller wrote that it looks brand new -- the previous owners never used it!! I use all the things I collect but this is a little miracle to find so much at once at a good price and in brand new condition.
Tonight we are having a lovely couple over for dinner and I get to use my new/old china! I can use it also with about four other patterns I have.I love to mix pieces.
Have a Pink day!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Belle armoire-- the search goes on

This beautiful armoire is by the French Bedroom Company a United Kingdom firm. I am obsessed with finding an armoire for linen and china storage like the ones above. Does anyone know of a USA company that makes a similar product? If you see any at a shop or flea market let me know. I love to collect china and table linens but it is so hard to set a table with my current lack of storage. I have to pull plastic storage tubs out of attic crawl space or in back of closets.
I am afraid to order this one ( it is priced well I think) because I would have to use a separate shipper they do not ship to USA. I love to be organized and do it in a pretty way too.
Joining in on Faded Charm White Wednesday
 Have a Pink day!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Coeur a la creme dessert for Madame de Pompadour

Coeur a la Creme
I love making this dessert! It is not hard and it is light and not too sweet. No one has ever disliked it.
The French name is Coeur a la creme --cream hearts and I like to pretend that this is something Madame de Pompadour or members of the French Court of Louis XV-XVI would eat.
You will need cheese cloth ( grocery stores carry it) the little ceramic  ramekins  with the drainage holes 6 individual ones look best.
 ( Williams Sonoma or any good cookware shop) a mixer and a cookie pan with sides and wire rack like you use for cooling cakes and cookies.
This dessert needs to be made very early in day for that night or better yet the night before.

Here is the simple recipe:

1/2 C sugar
1 C low fat plain yogurt
1 C heavy cream
2 eggs white
pint of raspberries or  strawberries or both!
fresh mint
you can also put some vanilla or Grand Marnier in the sauce if you like about 1 teaspoon

In a bowl add the sugar except for 4 Tablespoons and the yogurt mix well
In another bowl beat the cream till it is stiff then fold it into the yogurt mixture
In a third bowl ,with very clean beaters, whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form sprinkle 4T of sugar over them and beat till glossy
Fold the egg whites into the yogurt mixture. Dampen squares of cheesecloth and form it into the heart forms.
Then gently fill the heart forms fairly full with mixture.
Take dampened cheese cloth hanging over the edges of the molds and cover the tops so all mixture is inside.
Place molds on top of wire rack which is set inside a pan with edges. The hearts will drain
To plate it:
open cheese cloth away from mold top place plate under exposed back and flip over. Then gently remove the mold then the cheese cloth. Voila a little white heart. Put raspberries and strawberries around it garnish with a mint sprig and coulis sauce.

To make sauce:
Puree berries with a touch of water and 1 T sugar in blender or food processor. I usually add about 2T of raspberry jam or strawberry jam. You can add other flavorings at this point if you want.
Place sauce around heart and enjoy.
Have a Pink day!
Joining in on What's on the Menu Monday and Foodie Friday:

Friday, August 17, 2012

A very pink Japanese style garden

Happy Pink Saturday
Join Beverly  and other pink bloggers at:
I've posted before about Gibbs Gardens in Ball Ground , GA. I have visited this Japanese garden there in the spring it was all white and green and very serene.
Last weekend Pink Boy took me back again and I was squealing with delight over how PINK the Japanese garden is now with the crepe myrtles in bloom. It is perfection! I love the reflection of the petals on the water and the pinkness around the little building near the pond. 
I hope this pleases your eyes and soothes your soul. 
Have a Pink day!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Show and Tell Friday Twilight in the garden

Welcome to Show and tell Friday
Join Cindy at my Romantic Home:
Twilight in the garden is my favorite time. Called l'heure bleu in French --that in between hour or so not dark not light. My patio area is very blue/grey and we just got this lantern--perfect for dining out with soft lighting
Most items for the house seem to come from either Home Goods or antiques mall. It is fun looking for things.Most items that seem to make it home are pink but outside they are blue grey.
Have a Pink day!