Sunday, April 29, 2012

Momo arrived today

We added a new fancy gold fish to our pond. His name is Momo. He is tiny now but will be a fat little guy in a year or so. Momo joins Sushi, Spot, and Ting in our happy pond. Long live Momo

Have a Pink day!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Pink inwell-- last one and peonies

Happy Pink Saturday! Join Beverly at:

Well my inkwell obsession is ongoing. But I must stop-- running out of places to put them in my small home. This is the final purchase ( at least for a long time) so dainty and pretty. It is Dresden or Limoges I believe. Not too expensive I collect only what I find pleasing. What a more gracious world it used to be. A time when people took the time to sit down and write letters and thank you notes.

I cut some peonies and mock orange from my garden to show you too.

Have a Pink day!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Preserving peonies

Show and Tell Friday:

My garden contains many pink and white peonies. I love them above all other flowers. I also grow sweet pea and iris which are also my favorites.
Peonies have such a short life span and I often cut them and make arrangements. As they get older I hang them upside down ( makes the color stay in the petals better) and dry them.

I then reuse them in December in one or two of my smaller Christmas trees or in garlands I place over doorways. The pinker the peony the prettier it dries. The raspberry ones that are sort of striped look great dried.
Have a Pink day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mud pit is now a flower bed- Wow Us Wednesday

Last week when the landscaper men came a month early and dug up our lawn in the back garden I had a real mud pit--because it rained the next day.  We ran out and bought annuals just to fill it in and add some pink color! I have more peonies and iris on the way and foxgloves coming too. We planted for 2 days- all pink or white flowers. Cleome, foxgloves, speedwell, pin cushion flowers. It was a lot of work but I love it and we no longer have to worry about that patch of grass that will never grow. I had fun pretending I was Marie Anotinette creating her little farm gardens.Pink Boy was an excellent garden helper.

I'm joining in on Wow Us Wednesday at Savy Southern Style:
Have a Pink day!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Gibbs Gardens tour--Ballground Georgia

Japanese gardens usually have a gate/arch like this

Places to sit and enjoy the views

We had the pleasure of a visit to Gibbs Gardens in Ballground Ga. about 1 hour North of us. Mr Gibbs-- of the landscaping firm of same name --has created a wonderful garden that he delights in sharing with visitors. He always knew he would open it to the public someday. It is so serene and he has done such a wonderful job of making every view a pleasing one.

As you know if you read this blog I am in love with Japan-- the gardens there and arts and culture. This is the largest Japanese garden in the United States. He traveled to Japan to learn how to create an authentic one.

A visit is a good walking workout. You walk about 2.5 miles total to see everything. They have a bloom guide and you can plan your visits to see different things in bloom throughout the year. I can't wait to return to see roses and rhododendrons in bloom.

Have a Pink day!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Pink Saturday Please join Beverly at How Sweet The Sound:
Well this is not the post I thought I was going to do but the new changes to Blogger have me confused and angry. WHY do they always change- I hate Google Chrome hate new changes to blogger.
The above two rooms are dream rooms for me serene and pink I need to be in one of them now since I am so steamed with the lovely Microsoft people.
Have a Pink day!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mud pit

The good news is the landscaper guys came early. The bad news is that the landscaper guys came early! Then we had a lot of rain. The sprinkler system is whacked out now for some reason so our side path with flower walkway is also a mess.

We have a lovely mud pit in the back garden. We had them dig 6 inches down so I could plant more peonies and iris and other things in the two garden beds when you walk into the garden from the gate. Pink Boy will lay a stone walkway between the two beds and no more grass to mow in that area--we had trouble growing grass there so I said lets just make bigger beds and forget the grass ! Pink Boy liked that idea.

I had friends invited for weekend garden lunch but have had to post pone it. Pink Boy will be putting the stones down and it will take him most of weekend. the soil comes today I hope they show up. I will post another shot when it is finished and I have some plants in.

This should be our last major garden change. Then we will save up for a iron entry gate.

Have a Pink day!

Babies at our house

They like to sleep squashed toegether on the swing

It is Show and Tell Friday at Cindy's:

Our finches had babies and we now have 4 from the first clutch They are doing well and learning to eat. We have another clutch coming along--not sure how many in that one and if they are multicolored or white.

They are fun to watch. Even our big male canary helps to feed the babies. I will be giving them away to good homes. We have had the finches about a year now ( 3 pair) and I have taken over 100 eggs out of the nest boxes. I forgot to check before Easter week and next thing we knew we saw little white bird heads in a nest box!

Does anyone local to me want a few?

Have a Pink day!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring in Paris means new flavors

Spring has arrived in Paris!

How can you tell? Is it the green grass, is it the sun shine, non-- it is the new flavors of macaron

Pierre Herme one of my favorite pastry shops has new flavors out

How I wish I could sample them!

Have a Pink day!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday! Join Beverly at How Sweet the Sound:

Another pink inkwell in my small collection. This one not too expensive just pretty. It usually sits on my bedroom mantel. I love using these inkwells and feeling connected to women who used them in the past for their personal correspondence.

Have a Pink day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wow us Wednesday and White Wednesday

I am having so much fun with my monogram. I use same one that Marie Antoinette had. I have an embosser, rubber stamps of it, sealing wax seal and stencil. I used the stencil to embellish my plain clay flower pot. I read that Marie Antoinette had her monogram on flower pots and milk jugs at her Petit Hameau.

The flower is a balloon flower-- it reseeds and comes back. I planted some in the flower borders too.

I'm joining in the following Wednesday blog links:

Faded Charm

Savvy Southern Style

Have a Pink day!

Why not have a Pink key?

Join Cindy for Show and Tell Friday blog party:

I was in Home Depot the other day and noticed these pink keys! Well I had to get a new house key anyway so why not a pink one?

I always keep my house key separate from car keys for security reasons so I put pretty things with my house key my little carriage key ring and Marie Antoinette key ring fob. I like to make the mundane pretty if I can.

Have a Pink day!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter Pinkster!

Happy Easter

to my friends in blogland. I love to decorate for the holiday.

Have a Pink day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter decorations Show and Tell Friday

A mini cake made with fresh strawberries for us to eat Friday

My attempt at covering a paper mache egg with fabric
Inside my basket

Chocolate egg very French in style from Douceur de France bakery

Little gift for a dear friend

Show and Tell Friday is here:

hop on over:

Just a quick peek at my Easter decorations. I use the same greenery Easter baskets for us every year. I just add things to them mainly candy or cute trinkets. I am going to play Easter bunny and deliver cookies and cupcakes to the neighbor kids that I know on my street. A local bakery makes cute and yummy cupcakes Sugarplum Visions, and the cookies come from Gabriel's bakery in Marietta--a treasure of a bakery /lunch spot.
Have a Pink day

Monday, April 2, 2012

First peony of 2012

Happy Spring everyone !

I feel it is offically here since my first peony has opened on April 1. It is called Do Tell and it is one of my favorites. I usually go for the double full fluffy ones but something about this one is so pleasing to me.

Have a Pink day!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Relaxing in the park in Paris

My feet relaxing in the Luxembourg gardens

AAhh, to be in the park in Paris, feet up relaxing, people watching,day dreaming.
April Fool! Sad to say I am not there today
Have a Pink day!